Words at Work

A sampling of the business writing of Tom Mason

Entries for December, 2009

Banking on the sun

An innovative Atlantic Canadian company aims to put the region on the solar energy map.
by Tom Mason

Except for the Russian accent, Alexandre Pavlovski sounds a lot like the oil executives who first descended on Nova Scotia’s offshore scene 30 years ago. In fact, he can barely hide his enthusiasm as he discusses his adopted province’s [...]

Can a lawyer help your business grow?

by Tom Mason
We’re living in a do-it-yourself age. That is particularly true when talking about legal issues. Corporations have plenty of choices these days when it comes to legal advice: paralegals and professional mediators, even estate-planning insurance agents can provide some level of legal information service to a company or businessperson. All of these professionals [...]

The Digital Body: Radiology embraces the digital age

by Tom Mason
Dr. Rudiger von Ritschl scrolls through a series of computer screen images. As the slices of brain tissue peel away like the layers of an onion, an ominous, tentacled mass begins to emerge from the shadows. It’s a huge brain tumour, one that was an unrecognizable speck of discolouration on conventional x-rays, rendered [...]

Building a Better Rubber Band

by Tom Mason
It started out as a friendly challenge and quickly morphed into a raging obsession. When Roland Swift’s lobster fishing cousin told him that he wished he had a machine that could automatically put rubber bands on the claws of lobsters, Swift said he could build one. A naturally inventive guy with little formal [...]